Hot off the heels of some geospatial visualisation that I built using global coffee production data in 2020, I wanted to see if I could use all the data available from 1991-2020 to render a bar chart race. It turned out to be surprisingly simple. Here’s what I did.
Continue readingFinding my way around geospatial analysis with GeoPandas and Folium
After completing Kaggle’s Geospatial Analysis course, I decided to try out my newly acquired skills by applying them on a dataset outside of Kaggle. Since I’m such a coffee addict, why not combine my two interests and do some geospatial visualisation on global coffee production?
Continue readingPok Pok Thai packs a punch!
On a particularly good day, the spice level of the dishes will be at what I like to call “native Thai” level. Which, for me, translates to sweating at the back of my neck and on top of my head, with the added bonus of a runny nose.
For someone who loves spicy food as much as I do, this is what keeps me coming back to Pok Pok Thai time and again. It’s an addiction, for sure, but oh what a lovely addiction it is.
Continue readingJapanese iced coffee on a hot sunny day
I usually like to drink my coffee hot. But on a particularly hot and sunny afternoon, I find myself craving for an ice-cold glass of black coffee. No milk, no sugar, no nothing.
Continue readingRecreating the Chong Qing Grilled Fish experience at home
“A” for effort, but some things just taste better in a restaurant.
Continue readingIt’s been a while since I had anago tempura
Eel is one of our favourite ingredients and Japanese chefs are probably the best at using it to make delicious meals such as Unajyu, Unagi Hitsumabushi, Hamo sashimi, Anago tendon and Anago tempura.
Continue readingImmersion brewing without the right equipment
It’s been almost six months since I decided to stop buying more coffee equipment, and so far, I’ve been successful in resisting temptation. But I’ve been curious about how different my morning coffee would taste if I used immersion brewing, instead of my usual V60 percolation. To figure it out properly, I would have to buy either a Clever Dripper, AeroPress or French press. Or… I could hack something up, using stuff I already had in the kitchen.
Continue readingSometimes, sake tastes better warm
“Hmm… I wonder how it would taste if I heated it up further?” said my inner voice to my brain. And then I rigged a makeshift sake warmer using a measuring jug and a coffee glass.
Continue readingCoffee is Colombia’s second most addictive crop
The Wife and I are addicted to 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine, and we have been for many decades now. If the name is unfamiliar, perhaps you might recognise it by its chemical formula C8H10N4O2. There’s a good chance that you’re addicted to it too, or know someone who is.
Continue readingDipping my toes into Deep Learning with Kaggle, Keras and TensorFlow
Immediately after completing Kaggle’s “30 Days of ML” challenge, I started on their “Intro to Deep Learning” online course which was estimated to take four hours to complete. It was definitely time well spent.
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