We were at the Raffles City Marketplace one afternoon, browsing for vegetables at the Zenxin Organic refrigerated shelves when The Wife spotted some purple radish. They were skinnier than the white daikon that she usually gets but didn’t look particularly purple.
I thought that they were mislabeled, but she was intrigued enough that she decided to buy a bag home. After all, we love our radish and a supposedly purple one is not something that you see everyday.
Turns out, it wasn’t mislabeled and that purple radish is actually a thing. And not only that, it’s such a beautiful-looking thing. Just look at that mesmerising cross-section.

But the question then turned into: does it actually taste any different from the normal white radish? To find the answer, The Wife whipped out her recipe for pickled radish and made a batch.
- Add sugar, vinegar, water and pinch of salt into a bowl.
- Stir to combine (till salt and sugar dissolve).
- Add cut radish and mix well.
- Store in an airtight glass container and keep in fridge.
- Start enjoying in 2 days!
After sitting for two days, the colour from the radish seeped into the pickling liquid and imparted an even prettier purplish/pink hue. Kawaii desu ne!

We had a few pieces that day, and frankly, they tasted exactly the same as their paler cousins. But if The Wife ever sees them appearing on the shelves again, I’m pretty sure she’ll buy some back.