Tofu is one of our favourite foods and The Wife keeps a ready supply in our fridge. When we saw a recent video from Mina Oh’s YouTube channel sweetandtastyTV showing her mother making Korean tofu pancakes at home, we decided to give it try.
When I say “we”, I mean mostly The Wife. And when I say “mostly”, I mean I was observing from afar.
Here’s how Mommy Oh made her tofu pancakes.
The ingredients we used were slightly different:
- Two pieces of tofu, specifically Chinese tau kwa
- One orange bell pepper
- One red bell pepper
- One stalk of celery
- Three tablespoons of corn kernels
- Two eggs
- Seasoning: salt, pepper, Moroccan spices, turmeric

Chop and mix all the ingredients.

Instead of using our usual frying pan, The Wife had a stroke of genius and dug out our old Scanpan aebleskiver puff dumpling pan from storage.
I don’t know what aebleskiver puff dumplings are, and we’ve never actually used this pan to make any before. It has, however, been used to make Japanese takoyaki balls, so I just refer to it as our “takoyaki pan”. Which has the added benefit of being easier to spell and pronounce.

It was very convenient to use, and The Wife managed to make 24 mini pancakes from all the ingredients. If you actually went to count up all the ones on the plate, you need to know two things — (1) two pieces were eaten in-between batches, and (2) you have too much time on your hands.

We had some leftover BBQ sauce in the fridge, which went nicely with the tofu pancakes.

It was a light, healthy and tasty dinner for the two of us. Thank you Mommy Oh, for sharing your recipe, and Mina, for making the video. Looking forward to more in the home cooking series!