This is the season for frozen food and I was on the lookout for some prata. I couldn’t find any in our friendly neighbourhood 24-hour NTUC Fairprice downstairs, but I did notice their house brand frozen chapatti. Close enough.
It stayed in our freezer for a couple of weeks until we had some leftover mutton curry from takeaway mutton briyani that we had bought from our downstairs kopitiam. Good time to heat up some chapatti to soak up the curry.
Each piece was individually separated by a thin sheet of plastic, and while this was convenient, it did seem a bit excessive and we felt a bit guilty when discarding the somewhat unnecessary plastic.

Heating up was as simple as popping them onto a hot pan and flipping them over for even brownness. Mmm… frozen chapatti and leftover curry, a classic combination for a quick and easy lunch.
The chapatti was not quite what I expected though. It was more flaky and oily than your usual chapatti, and had a texture that was almost prata-like. So, while the packaging said Chapatti, I will henceforth call it Chaparata.
Overall, it was good and I would buy it again.

Three down and 27 more to go.
Then, The Wife decided to get creative.
I have chapatti… I have spring onion… uhh! 葱油饼
I have chapatti… I have peanut butter… uhh! 花生饼
葱油饼… 花生饼… uhh! pen pineapple apple pen
Well, you get the idea.

The spring onion pancake was actually not too bad, but the peanut butter one was too dry and hard to swallow. I don’t think she’ll make these again anytime soon.
I suppose the classic combinations are classic for a reason, and we’ll be sticking with curries to go with our remaining supply of frozen chaparata.