Mussels straight from the kelong

More than 90% of the seafood consumed in Singapore is imported, with the remainder being supplied by fish farms like the floating kelongs off Pulau Ubin. Usually, we don’t give this much thought, given the abundant and steady supply flown, trucked and shipped in from all over the world.

But once in a while, a global pandemic happens and food supplies are disrupted. Then you start thinking about growing your own vegetables and buying locally-sourced seafood online. And that’s how we found Ah Hock Kelong’s online store on Shopee and ordered 3 kilograms of mussels.

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Using a shotgun approach for the Titanic competition

After completing Alexis Cook’s very useful Titanic Tutorial, I couldn’t help myself and spent a couple of days hacking around to try and improve my score without going through the usual data science workflow of EDA, feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, train/test iterations.

I know it’s not the proper way of doing data science, but like I said, I just couldn’t help myself.

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