Old school Hainanese Western food at Prince Coffee House

The oxtail stew arrived next, with chunky pieces of soft and beefy meat drenched in brown sauce and accompanied by steamed potatoes and vegetables. Given the fall-off-the-(tail)bone-ness of the meat, it was obvious that it was slow-cooked for many many hours. The sides were, as expected, boiled to death but were still delicious with the slightly peppery brown sauce. Because a good brown sauce makes anything taste good.

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Welcoming the latest member of our V60 family

For the longest time, my pouring setup was to first boil water with our normal electric kettle and then transfer it to a small gooseneck jug for better flow control. It’s worked well so far and I’ve managed to get good tasting cups, especially after I upgraded my grinder. But it’s been bugging me that I don’t really know what temperature I’m actually brewing at, so I decided to finally get a temperature-controlled gooseneck kettle.

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