Tag: Pour Over Coffee

What exactly is the font used in the 1Zpresso JX-Pro grind setting dial?

The number “5” looks particularly interesting, with its prominent angles and truncated top line. Unfortunately, it looks quite similar to “6” and regularly confuses me, especially when I’ve not yet consumed my morning dose of caffeine.

The number “7” appears almost boomerang-like and given that the numbers are probably machine-milled, I’d imagine that carving its shape out of the hunk of metal would have been especially efficient.

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Blind taste test of single-origin beans from Mt Whitney Coffee Roasters

Over the past few months, as I was experimenting with new equipment and different brewing variables, I’ve been asking her to score the coffee on a scale of 1 to 10. But now that the scores have been consistently 8 or more, it was time to run a new experiment on her — a blind taste test to see if she could differentiate coffee brewed from beans grown in different countries.

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Tetsu Kasuya vs Tetsu Kasuya

The Tetsu 4-6 is the go-to recipe that I use to brew my V60 pour over coffee every morning. But since Tetsu is now experimenting with a drastically different technique than the one he perfected in 2016, I thought it’d be interesting to conduct a head-to-head comparison between the two.

What will be the result of the Tetsu vs Tetsu competition?

Will Tetsu beat Tetsu?

Or will Tetsu beat Tetsu?

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